Bloody Bambi that’s what I call subversive crocheting!

Who killed Bambi? - from the series Crossing Wonderland, 2008

Today I stumbled upon and fell head-over-heels in love with textile/crochet artist Patricia Waller. This Berlin-based artist is right up my morbid alley (so morbid am I that I did an essay at Uni about the aesthetic value of post-mortem photography).

Back to Patricia, because what she does with her crochet sculptures is she takes a homely craft that is normally associated with cosy grannies and cutesy baby toys and gives it a gigantic bloody whack in the forehead with her crochet hook.

A lot of the sculptures are pretty big, up to 2 metres long. I have no idea how expensive these things are but I if our flat was big enough I would happily let one of these creatures inhabit a corner.

Here are a few of my favourites, you can see more  right here.

Rabbit 2 - from the series Rabbits, 2003

Accident 4 - from the series Accidents, 2004

Unicorn - from the series Crossing Wonderland, 2005

Bad Luck - from the series Crossing Wonderland 2007

Twins 1 - from the series Twins, 2005

Accident 4 - from the series Accidents, 2004

Antlers, 2002

Bird in the Hand, 2006

Baby Ghost, 2006

Rabbit 1 - from the series Rabbits, 2003

All pictures are © Patricia Waller and via

One response to “Bloody Bambi that’s what I call subversive crocheting!

  1. Hvor er de fantastiske! 🙂

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