Daily Archives: April 16, 2011

Dressing the bump – black on black from H&M

I was running out of comfy everyday clothes, so HAD to stop by my favourite H&M on Regent Street to get fresh supplies. I chose three different items that are easily combined, and they’re all stretchy so I’ll be able to wear them all summer (hopefully).

I bought this A-shaped cotton top with a pocket detail, as it’s perfect for wearing over trousers or leggings for that everyday casual look. £7.99.

There was also a big selection of viscose tops/cardigans on display. They come in many different colours, but I played it safe and went for good ol’ black. £7.99.

It’s perfect for wearing over the A-shaped top. I’ve spiced the outfit up with my old WoodWood necklace.

And the totally simple maxi-dresses are back.

Last year I bought one that was 100% viscose, but it’s shape has gone ballistic and it gets longer and longer every time I wear it + it’s so thin and see-through that you have to wear something underneath. Not nice for a hot and bothered pregnant woman.

So I was happy to see that this year H&M have mixed the viscose with cotton. And the fabric is thicker. This dress also comes in a white & blue + a red & blue speckled version.

Again I just went for black and bought two as I’m convinced I’ll wear them all summer, and they’re probably going to be sold out soon. £12.99.

I’m wearing it with my old brass Bambi necklace from affordable British jewellery brand Galibardy.

And I can of course pair it with my new viscose top.

The gladiator sandals are from Office. I bought them two summers ago, but they still sell them. They come in many different colours and cost £37. Buy them here.

I just wish the quality was a bit better as the leather is not soft enough and they hurt a bit when I wear them for too long. Guess I’ll have to go on the hunt for a pair of handmade ones.