Monthly Archives: May 2011

A gift: Snygg leather jewellery

Hello there. I’m back after a little blogging break…and ahhhh it was nice.

Instead of an outfit post (let’s face it, I’m looking more and more like a tent) I’ll show you a lovely birthday gift I got from a friend in Denmark.

This silver ring with a leather flower is made by Danish designer Vicki Zoé Ziska, the woman behind the brand Snygg. She specialises in leather jewellery and I already own two pairs of her earrings in gold and green,  a bit like these.

This ring is the perfect match for my fat pregnancy-swollen fingers (can’t wear my wedding band at the moment) as the silver ring is expandable. And it adds a bit of oomph to an otherwise boring outfit.

Read more about the designer and check out her jewellery at

Dressing the bump – rainbow summer dress

I bought this rainbow cotton dress many years ago in one of my favourite second-hand shops in Copenhagen. It cost around 8 pounds.

I love the bold and bright colours as you can’t help but feeling cheerful when you wear it, and it’s perfect for hot and humid summer days where you need a bit of ventilation under your skirt.

I remember thinking that someday this would make a great maternity dress, as it can accommodate even the biggest of bumps, so the other day I decided to give it a try.

I’m wearing it with a ribbon tied around it, to make sure that I wouldn’t be mistaken for a ginormous tent