Daily Archives: January 21, 2011

Massage that baby – 80s style

When we were in Copenhagen, my lovely mother-in-law gave me this book about baby massage (she always has a book handy for every occasion).

It’s a Danish translation of a book by massage guru, Peter Walker. He’s a physical therapist and yoga teacher and well-known for his developmental baby massage and for having taught over 6.000 certified teachers how to do this.

So I’m pretty sure this  guy knows what he’s doing and I’ll look forward to using it. But there’s an added bonus as it’s from the late 80s which equals funky hairdos:

Some slightly weird drawings.

And a straight-forward invitation to embrace nakedness.

And what baby wouldn’t love a massage from a dad as stylish as this one, with mint green shirt and fluffy hair? (although I must say this particular baby looks almost paralysed with fear).